June Meal Swap

  • Jill- Opt out this month
  • Jen-Sizzling Chicken
North America/European
  • Evelyn- Cajun Shrimp with Tangy Peach Sauce served over Rice
  • Neva-Chicken Alfredo Pizza
  • Kim- Opt out this month
  • Julie-Sausage Florentine Potpie
Far East
  • Deb- Asian Style Pork Chops
  • Julie Meyer- Lemon Chicken with Rice
Southwestern/Latin American
  • Jolean- Carne Supremo with Rice
  • Brandy- opt out this month

1 comment:

  1. Hi All-- I am sorry I neglected to tell Ben where my recipes for the Sausage Florentine Potpie were. The pot pie should be defrosted in the refrigerator overnight then baked uncovered at 350 degrees 25-30 minutes. If desired, the pie may be brushed with an egg wash made by whisking together one egg and one Tbsp water before baking.
    Sorry Again! Julie Maegi
